An Inheritance

“In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:” Ephesians 1:11.

The assets, privileges, and rights among other things that are passed down to another person are called an inheritance; it is not worked for, but freely given. The scripture teaches us that God through His amazing grace and divine will, predestined, redeemed, and secured a divine possession or inheritance for all His beloved children. “In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:”

I heard a beautiful story recently that very pointedly placed our focus on having a relationship with Jesus as the only way to receive the inheritance stored up for us in heaven. This is my version of the story…let us entitle it The Inheritance:

An artist and a young guy were in a fox hole together, the artist took out his pencils and began to sketch a picture of his young friend. Unfortunately, a bomb hit the fox hole and the young friend was killed. The only thing the artist had from the young guy was the sketch that he had drawn. He decided to visit his friends’ father and give it to him in memory of his son… the father was grateful and treasured the sketch of his son with all his heart.

Sometime later the father passed away and all of his things were auctioned off. As the auctioneer begin, he chose to start with the sketch, asking for a beginning bid of one hundred dollars, but no one accepted the bid, then he asked for fifty dollars, again no one decided to bid, the auctioneer decided to try again and asked for thirty dollars, but no one was willing…at last a poor older man raised his hand and stated he would bid ten dollars. The auctioneer set the bid at ten dollars and there were no takers except the bidder and the auctioneer hit the gravel stating going once, twice and sold to this gentleman for ten dollars.

Then the auctioneer did something quite unusual, he thanked all the participants for coming and announced that the auction was closed at that time. The crowd was furious and protested about all of the wonderful things left…and why they were not being auctioned; the auctioneer offered his apologies and stated that it was the by the directives of the owner that who ever took the picture of his son, received it all!

The moral of the story: whosoever has the Son, has it all. Have you accepted the only begotten Son of God as your Lord and Savior? God by the counsel of His divine will; has adopted all those who have accepted His Son, Jesus Christ, as beloved children; Ephesians 1:5-6 state, “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”

Let all who have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, be a witness to the praise and glory of His amazing grace. God has prepared innumerous spiritual blessings for those who love Him; and it is a fact that no one knows the exact time or day that Jesus will return to receive His Church. Are you ready?

I admonish all who do not know Him in the pardon of your sins to accept Him today. . . He is tenderly calling, won’t you let Him in – will you be in that number when all the saints are gathered together at home? Eternal life is free, an inheritance out to this world!

God blessings of peace and eternal love to all.

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