Showers of Blessings

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

One word or phrase can change a person’s perspective. The year was Nineteen ninety-five and I was a young mother on peritoneal dialysis. My brother in Christ, Rev. Thomas Staples stopped in to visit, somewhere in our conversation, prayer, and praise, he stated this phrase, “when praises go up, blessings come down.” It made a permanent change in my heart that day, to keep giving God the praise and expecting His good, the One who has all power to shower down  blessings in the life of His beloved child regardless of the current circumstances.

God loves us and has promised that His thoughts towards us are those that are of peace and not evil, they are good for us, and Romans 8:28 reminds us “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Good meaning the best of all that God has already prepared for His beloved children; regardless to how things appear, how they feel and what we are going through…God is orchestrating things according to His divine will and He has proven to be faithful and true since the beginning of time…we can trust in His unfailing love to give us His best.

Therefore, let us give Him all of our praise, honor, and worship for being our sovereign and gracious Lord. There is absolutely no way that when we look back and start thinking on the goodness of the Lord, that a praise won’t erupt from way down deep in our souls… Church folks sing it like this, I just can’t stop praising His name, I just can’t stop praising His name…hallelujah! and my friends, I will testify to the world that praise is what I do!

If you find yourself needing strength to go on today…start praising His name, for the joy of the Lord is our strength. Joy is not a gleeful, ecstatic laughing sensation, but one that provides peace and confirmation in the power of Almighty God and His amazing grace! God’s ways are not our ways and somethings are needful, they may even be painful, but God is preparing us for something greater.

So, again, I strongly admonish you, wherever you are and whatever you are doing at this very moment, stop and start praising the Lord for all of His goodness and mercy; He is faithful that promised and believe me when praises go up, He will shower down blessings of peace, love, hope, compassion, comfort and whatever it is that you need… He’s got it, give Him the glory!

God abundant blessings of peace, love and joy be with us all.


  1. Thomas Staples on October 30, 2021 at 12:10 am

    Amen my sister! As imagers of God, our purpose is to be the vessels through which God shows himself to the world. Praise is an intricate part of this purpose. Praises, like the tithe, open the windows of heaven. It’s no wonder that the Psalmist said, “Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” (Psalm 150:6)

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